How to Use Templates

Updated: 9/30/2022
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With Post Office, you have access to a variety of templates, making it easier for you to post content on your social media. You can be inspired by the templates or use them for a quick post. With a few simple steps, you can have a new post ready in the calendar.

Customize Template

  • 1
    In the menu, select 'templates'.
  • 2
    You will be presented with various templates in different categories.
  • 3
    Select a template by clicking the arrow.
  • 4
    You typically need to customize the text and possibly the image to fit your local page. If you haven't made the necessary changes, you won't be able to approve the post for publishing.
  • 5
    Under date, you can change the posting date.
  • 6
    Click save in the top right corner after making the desired changes.
  • 7
    The post is now ready for your approval. This is done by clicking the button with the checkmark until it turns red. Only when the checkmark is red will the post be published at the specified time.
  • 8
    Until then, you can always remove your approval by clicking the red checkmark. This allows you to edit the post by clicking the pen icon. Remember to approve the post again after editing so the checkmark is red.

Discard Template Selection

If you don't want to use the selected template after all, click the ✖ in the top left corner. Note that the template is now in your content calendar. To avoid confusion, remove the post from the calendar by clicking the three dots under the post and select delete.

Save Templates (Coming Soon)

Save time by saving your posts as templates for later use. A tip is to categorize your templates, such as employees, contests, special days, etc. This makes it easy for you to find a suitable template.