Automatic management of your Comment Sales
Create and run successful Comment Sales campaigns on Facebook. Our robot, P.O. 🤖, tracks inventory and orders while making sure communication with your customers runs smooth.
We create value for over 2,000 companies
Comment Sales is a new and exciting way to sell your items on Facebook. You simply post a regular Facebook post with your offer you want to sell. Your customers then order the product by commenting on your post.
When using the Post Office app to organize your Comment Sales, our robot will reply to customers while keeping track of your orders and stock. Post Office is the complete solution for planning and managing Comment Sales and Live Sales on Facebook.
When your customers purchase through Comment Sales, they pay and pick up their items in your store. This is great news, because once in the store, people often buy additional items.
Let’s call it a win-win 🤩
Comment Sales is a unique opportunity to offer your customers great deals. Many of our clients experience a growth in new customers, because their regulars tend to tag family and friends to share your good offers. This way, Comment Sales help you empty your storage quicker while increasing both turnover and customer flow.
Create your Post Office profile today and start your Comment Sales adventure 🤗
- Fun and easy way to increase your sales.
- Great opportunity to empty your surplus inventory.
- Increase attention to your store.
- Boost customer flow both online and in store.
- Additional sales from pickup in your physical store.
- Low-cost effective marketing for larger markets.
Smart features make it easy
to create successful Comment Sales
Create and schedule future Comment Sales.
Our robot automatically answers your customers.
Inventory management
Avoid overselling with inventory tracking.
Shopping cart
Your customers will see all items in one smart shopping cart.
Order overview
We keep all your orders in one place.
Pickup status
Keep track of order pickups and see individual status.
Design tool
Add visuals and text to your pictures.
Pickup reminder
Send reminders to customers about picking up their orders.
What our customers say
Free support all week
Our phone, chat and e-mail support is open on all business days. You can also find tips, tricks and answers in our many help articles and videos.